Project 1 Reflection

Our Code of Ethics is divided into three sections; the first is based upon Notre Dame’s mission and values, the second is based upon moral imperatives, and the third is based upon responsibilities of a Computer Science major specifically. I believe that the first section, which enumerates the ways in which we as students can reflect the values of the University, makes this Code of Ethics unique and particularly significant to Notre Dame. In deciding the components within this section, we drew from the ideas in Notre Dame’s official mission statement. What I found to be humorously ironic is that despite the fact that it was actually the first time I read the entirety of Notre Dame’s mission statement, I found it to ring true with the meaning I’ve taken from my education here. There was a particularly strong emphasis on open discussion, academic freedom, and pursuing truth for its own sake. I personally feel that I have been very intellectually challenged in a variety of ways here – particularly from conversations had, differing opinions voiced, and relationships formed. Despite Notre Dame’s reputation to be homogeneous with a failed attempt at diversity, I have been amazed at the richness of relationships formed here with diversity in thought.

I also think that another highlight of our Code of Ethics was the section specifically speaking to coders, or Computer Science majors. Although things like commenting code, being stylistically consistent, and using appropriate variable names initially seemed too trivial to me to include in our Code of Ethics, I came to the realization that they are much more relevant due to the collaborative nature of Computer Science. It is a field of study that exists in relation to others, so the importance of stylistic organization cannot be over-emphasized. We, as humans working on projects, are fleeting; the code used in software, however, in many cases will outlast us. Therefore, I believe that it is a matter of ethics as a student to make collaboration in coding as easy and efficient as possible.

Although I believe our Code of Ethics is a thoughtful, comprehensive list, there can certainly be improvements. One thing I think that could be emphasized more is the students’ relationships to the professors and what is the ethical action to take in specific situations. Another is the potential extension of the third section regarding coding specifically. We mentioned the first points that came to mind, but there is a plethora of programming manners that could be mentioned as well.

Although a Code of Ethics I don’t deem to be something that my peers will realistically look at and reference in their spare time, I do believe that it is extremely beneficial as a tool for reflection and intentionality. I feel that this was a very valuable exercise in formulating a concrete list of what being a Notre Dame Engineer, specifically a Computer Science major, means to me. The most beautiful thing is that, speaking for myself, this is not a list of empty words. I truly align myself and my belief system with our entire Code of Ethics. It’s a good feeling to know that Notre Dame has shaped me in this positive way, and going forward in my career and future endeavors, I truly hope I can carry these values with me.

Reference to Code of Ethics:

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