Coding: The New Literacy?

After reading the articles discussing coding being the “new literacy” and the language of the future, I will say that I am open-minded but also skeptical. In most recent years, it has become a widely-known fact that the technology sector is booming. Computer literacy is becoming even more important in being able to secure a stable… Continue reading Coding: The New Literacy?

Online Censorship

Online censorship is a topic of discussion that has a lot of controversy and yet is becoming more and more relevant as technology and the web are becoming more widely accessed and used around the world. One of the most debated topics of online censorship is the infringement upon freedom of speech. Amnesty International has… Continue reading Online Censorship

Automation Implications

The degree to which automation is impacting employment is staggering. From social to political to economic implications, technology replacing human labor is affecting the way society functions on a massive scale. The Luddites, a group of 19th century English textile workers who fought against the development of labour-economizing technologies, were revolutionary in that they instigating a… Continue reading Automation Implications